The 2025 IEEE International Workshop on Technologies for Defense and Security (IEEE TechDefense 2025) will be broad in scope covering all areas concerning research in defense field. With the breadth of topics covered, this conference seeks to attract diverse participation and collaboration from academia, industry, defense and government agencies that will promote security interests with opportunities to increase technical depth and breadth as well as networking with peers. In a world where technology is rapidly changing, collaborations and multidisciplinary work is the only way to solve research challenges and foster the next generation of scientific discovery.
The Program Committee is inviting extended abstracts (4-5 pages) to IEEE TechDefense.
Interested researchers, academics, practitioners and industry partners are invited to submit papers for the Conference. Papers that involve joint authorship with students, industry and community partners are encouraged. Early career researchers and research students are also encouraged to contribute papers.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post publication.
Further information are available HERE